But who am I, and who are my people,
that we should be able to give as generously as this?
Everything comes from You, and we have given You
only what comes from Your hand.”
~1 Chronicles 29:14
Make a secure, one-time donation or payment, set-up or make changes to recurring contributions, and view your donation history. For enhanced security and giving simplicity, create an account by clicking on the login/signup link.
If you haven't already set up recurring donations, you can do so to make sure you're supporting the ministry at Winstanley Baptist Church even while you're out of town!
Connecting your bank account makes your donation go further.
The Tithe.ly transaction fees are as follows:
You can give to Winstanley by mailing your check to:
Winstanley Baptist Church,
9471 IL-161
Fairview Heights, IL 62208
Make sure you include your name and address on your check so that our counters can provide a record of your donation for tax purposes. Please note if your gifts is for the General Budget or a specific area of ministry.
Place your offering in the collection plates as you enter the scanctury. Please, note if your gift is for the general budge or a specific area of ministry.
If you're giving cash and would like a contribution statement, please use a giving envelope that are located in each pew.
If you don't know what to give to, here are some easy options.
Clicking the photo will link you to the secure Tithe.ly Online Giving website
so you can donate to one of these great ministries.